illuminated manuscripts, or miniatures, are handwritten illustrated books decorated in rich colours, including golds and silvers. it was a practice that originated in monasteries in europe in as early as 400 CE. the most prolific period for illuminated manuscripts lasted between 1100 and 1600, but the flat, graphic style has continued to inspire artists. it is a tradition that doesn't just appear in europe; examples survive from Iran, Ethiopia and accross south east asia.
illuminated manuscripts
the Lindisfarne Gospels is one of the famous surviving examples of Hiberno-Saxon art. it was created by several artists in around 700CE on the on the island monastery of Lindisfarne. the manuscript blends biblical text with celtic iconography.
lindisfarne gospels
bentivoglio hours
the grammar of ornament
anthology of persian poetry
bologna, italy, late 15th century. books of hours were the most popular books for laypeople in the late middle Ages and Renaissance. they contained sets of prayers to be performed throughout the hours of the day and night. these books were often designed to be visually appealing, and wealthy patrons commissioned leading artists to work on them.
this ornate manuscript was first copied in Shiraz in 1411. illumination is just as much a part of medieval islamic art as it was for european christians. islamic artists chose to continue in this style even after revolutions in perspective in the west, since art which is too close to life is believed offensive to god.
owen jones (1809 – 74) was one of the most influential design theorists of the 19th century. he was heavily inspired by the geometry and abstraction of Islamic art. his text the grammar of ornament, is a design sourcebook that has inspired designers for over 150 years.